
May 26, 1999

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THE SECRET: Evidence That We Are Not Alone

The Majestic Documents On CD

By Dr. Robert M. and Ryan S. Wood

The CD: Mac and/or PC

[From the front cover:]


"Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary proof. Where is the evidence?"

That quotation from Carl Sagan captures the essence of skepticism by scientists today, and they're looking for more proof than they can get from fuzzy photographs and from testimony based on distant memories. What we have here is the evidence. We have 15 documents, 50,000 words, 96 pages, of which most are top secret code word. The vast majority have never been seen before. So we're excited about this opportunity to make them publicly available.

- Dr. Robert M. and Ryan S. Wood

[From the back cover:]

THE SECRET: Evidence That We Are Not Alone

How To Use This CD

The Evidence
Experts Who Have Assisted in Authentication
Tell Us Your Story
References and Bibliography
Television Documentary (Planned for 1999)
Hardback Book (Planned for 1999)
System Requirements:

If your system is Macintosh-based, you will need...

* Apple Macintosh with 68030 or faster processor
* CD-ROM drive (4x speed)
* 8 Mb or more of system memory
* Apple system software version 7.0 or later
* 640x480 color monitor
If your system is PC-based, you will need...

* Windows-compatible PC (486DX or higher,
  with a minimum of 33Mhz)
* CD-ROM drive 4x speed.
* 8 Mb or more of system memory
* Microsoft Windows 95 or higher
* Sound card
* 640x480 color monitor
Published by: Wood and Wood Enterprises
Copyright 1998 Dr. Robert M. and Ryan S. Wood

To order: Go here.

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